I read somewhere that Mark Twain declared that age is an issue of mind over matter and if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. I’m inclined to agree. I don’t mind! I’m not quite ready for the alternative. I have gained an extensive education over these 67 years; and I’d like to share a few of those pearls of wisdom.
On many occasions I have stated that this is a highly overrated position. BK (before kids), I had this idea in my head that when I became a mother, I would be nominated for sainthood. Actually, emerging lucid and sane on the other side of your kids’ teen years is akin to winning the Oscar for Best Actress in a Drama when you basically have no acting experience. You are grateful for the trophy but what’s the next gig? Well, that would be the college/seeking employment/sometimes living at home years which arrived with a vengeance.
I have to say I learned more from my kids than I ever did in a book. An example of this OTJ (on the job) training was pacifying a horrified bus driver and enraged school official after a “mooning” incident while withholding this information from the adoring grandparents (who would never have believed it anyway). The offender will remain nameless. I would like to report that all three of my kids are responsible adults at this time. I would also like to say I have a copious amount of these type stories … but I’ll move on.

They are extra special. Hence, the grand! They do no wrong. They never need any behavior modifications. If my daughter dares to report any smidgeon of imperfection, I put my fingers in my ears, shut my eyes tight and start babbling. So, I’ve learned that the grands are damn near perfect! You need as many as you can get. Adopt a few! My oldest granddaughter sent me a video montage that she made with lots of pix of me with her and her siblings. Joe Cocker was singing “You Are So Beautiful” in the background. By the end I was weeping. See what I mean? I’m beautiful? Yes, grands are fabulous!

Friends are important to our physical and mental health. I’ve got several categories of friends. Some friends are in more than one category. Some migrate from one to the other. There are the Besties who know our intimate secrets. You know, you tell them hot news, then inform them that if they tell it, you’ll have to kill them. There are work friends, church friends, school friends, Facebook friends, friends of friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Then there’s relatives.
You can pick your friends, but not your relatives … so there is a certain civility that must be shown. I love my friends. I cannot have enough. My son shuddered as I met a new friend on the plane to Aruba and exchanged emails. He thinks I’m too friendly. Really? It’s funny to think my adult children are now my friends. But there is that fine line; and they will be the first to announce TMI (too much information).

It’s really a choice and it takes effort depending on the events in our lives. I choose happiness any time I can. Baking makes me really happy, especially when the results are magazine worthy. And not all of them are. Giving away my creations makes my endorphins rise like a tidal wave. It’s my crack! For some, exercise is the thing. My daughter goes to the gym almost daily at 5 am. It’s at those times I think I may have received the wrong baby. But I’ve learned to stick with what works for me … traveling, baking, and memory making AKA writing. That makes me feel good. Can you hear strains of James Brown singing and me doing the dance?
Ghandi wrote that his life was his message. I’m no Ghandi, but I’ve learned this is true for all of us. So make hay whilst the sun is shining. Do something for someone else. Love your friends and family (even those unlovable ones). Forgive those that may have hurt your feelings. Yes, at 67, we still have feelings. Not quite as sensitive … but still there. Smile at the nasty cashier who gave you the stank eye because you walked up as she was about to go on break. Do things that make you feel good.

At this age I’ve learned so much it’s a wonder I have any space left up there between my ears. It’s definitely getting crowded cause I can go in a room and forget why I went. I’ll chalk it up to my massive intelligence machine AKA pea brain. Still in all, reaching 67 is a check on my bucket list. And 68 is currently being added. It’s the little things.
I made the friend cut!!!! Yay🎈
I’m reading your stories, enjoying the pictures and
and admittedly, cried a few times.😍
Being your friend continues to be one of my most treasured life experiences … love you unconditionally!